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Leslie Stevens (credited as Mr. Stevens) is Andre's boss in Black-ish. He is portrayed by Peter Mackenzie.

Character Info[]

Leslie is Andre’s boss at the advertising company, Stevens and Lido. He took over as boss on June 24, 2014 after the death of his uncle Fred Garner. He, along with Josh and Charlie, give advice to Dre about parenting his kids and issues in the family.


One of the most predominant traits of Leslie Stevens is his incredible political incorrectness. A few examples of this include his belief that it is "respectful to grope people on Japanese subways", his tendency to put blackface on snowmen, and his ignorant belief that President Barack Obama was only accepted into Harvard on a basketball scholarship.

In addition to this Leslie Stevens has shown himself to be incredibly selfish and greedy, as shown by the fact that he fired his grandma and the fact that he buried his father in an unmarked grave so he didn't have to pay for a proper funeral and burial.


Daphne-Daphne is the majority owner of Steven and Lido's something that Leslie originally resented her for.

Dre-Leslie is Dre's boss and the two are fairly friendly, predictably however, their friendship is strained by Leslie's immense racism.

Connor-Connor is Leslie's son and benefits from his father's wealth.


Season 1 (13/24)[]


  • In the script, his name is Mr. Stevenson.
  • He is a Republican, which is why one of his wives divorced him.
    • In spite of his political incorrectness he didn't vote for Trump.
  • He later lets his son, Connor, start working for him.
  • He met one of his wives on a Southwest flight.
  • He’s been described as a huge racist.
  • He owns a dog named David Duke, after a prominent member of the K.K.K.
  • He puts blackface on snowmen that are on the Christmas cards he sends to the Johnsons.
  • He slept with his maid, and “promoted” her to wife.
  • He claims that he has been accepting of members of the LGBTQ+ community since 2012, although prior to that he admits to having had "unspeakable", bumper stickers on his car.
  • He fired his grandma.
  • He inaccurately thinks Obama let Osama Bin Laden stay at the White House.
  • He buried his father in an unmarked grave to save money.
  • Two of his sons are stuck in an Ecuadorian Embassy.