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Rubeline Eveline "Ruby" Johnson is one of the main characters in Black-ish.

Ruby is portrayed by Jenifer Lewis.

Character info[]

As a child she had the darkest skin of her family and her relatives treated her awfully because of it (something that effected the way that she treated her daughter in law, Rainbow Johnson Seasons 1-6.).

She is the wife of Earl Johnson, of whom she previously had an extremely tumultuous and violent relationship, the mother of Andre Johnson and Rhonda Johnson as well as the grandmother to Zoey Johnson, Andre Johnson, Jr., Jack Johnson, Diane Johnson and Devonte Johnson.


Throughout the series Ruby has shown herself to be rather selfish, arrogant, religious, and a giant maneater. She is extremely judgmental and firm in her Christian ways, given her view of Halloween as a "pagan holiday" and Christmas as Jesus' birthday (to the point of buying him a symbolic cake and singing for him). These habits make her come across as odd. Like her husband, Ruby is a huge con artist, even conning the people she knows. She occasionally gives off a "bad girl" vibe, which is mostly seen in her interactions with Diane, and even said she would get into trouble with her sister when she was young.

Ruby is a giant man-eater, with a huge preference for much younger men. The only steady boyfriend she had over the series was Davis, a man Dre's age. She'll mention her sexual activities or innuendos in front of Dre and Bow, or even her grandkids (which never ceases to disgust them) until Dre or Bow stops her. She even once hit on Aaron Jackson, a boy a year older than Zoey (who was seventeen at the time).

Occasionally, Ruby will give Dre and Bow advice regarding pushing their kids or placing down boundaries with them if they go to extremities, notably with Jack and basketball, and Diane with her first love interest.


Ruby considers herself liberal, although in reality she is immensely conservative, most of her political views aligning with those of Donald Trump's. Junior makes a point out of this when he was temporarily Republican.

A recurring element of her political views is her racism. In S. E.10, she insulted Chinese and Mexican Americans. Elaborating on her views of the latter saying that they steal the jobs of the black community of the United States, (A conservative talking point.). Another recurring element of her views is her extreme homophobia, turned-discomfort. When her daughter Rhonda was outed by Dre, she reacted terribly, saying homosexuality was an "abomination" until she made up with her daughter. However, her obvious discomfort over the topic causes Zoey, Junior and Bow to have to check her when she says things that would rub people the wrong way.

Many of Ruby's conservative views originate from her unwavering interpretation of the bible. Specifically, the Old Testament, as she once called the New Testament "rubbish."


Season 1 (8/24)[]


  • On a scale of 1 to 10 she considers herself a 12.
  • She flosses nude.
  • She always carries butterscotch with her, but refuses to give Bow any.
  • Believes "Automatic" by The Pointer Sisters is the greatest song ever made.
  • She always votes for the democratic candidate even though she doesn't agree with them on most policies.
  • She supports the death penalty, saying it should be celebrated with a parade.
  • Once, over an open Whitman’s Sampler, Ruby prayed to Black Jesus to “please guide her hand to the nougat."
  • Ruby didn’t allow Dre to eat bananas when he was a kid because of her homophobia.
  • Ruby told Davis that she was allergic to latex (probably so he wouldn’t use condoms).
  • She blew up both of Pops’ boats.
  • She shot Pops twice.
  • Once put her gun in Phil Spector's mouth.
  • Ruby had affairs with Dre’s gym and science teacher when he was a child.
  • Ruby plays Spades.
  • The last time she had gin before the episode “Dr. Hell No,” she shot Pops.
  • When she dies, she says she wants her ashes sprinkled on Ving Rhames.
  • Ruby’s nemesis is Doris.
  • Her best friend is Almaviligerais.
  • According to her, cooking is her main connection to the kids.
  • She doesn’t believe in therapy.
  • In order to pay for Dre to go to private school, she shot Pops and took his disability check.
  • Told Jack and Diane that when she was young there were 48 states, dinosaurs were lizards, and there were only 9 numbers (none of which is true).
  • Before she moved to L.A., Ruby lived in New York.
  • Ruby sang backup for Bette Midler and she starred in a movie.
  • On Dre’s birthday in 1983, Ruby blew up Pops’ car.
  • Ruby stuck a fork into Pops’ neck.
  • She doesn’t believe there’s such thing as evolution.
  • She wanted Bishop Don Juan to marry Dre and Bow.
  • Ruby claims to have breastfed Dre until he was eight (which is impossible).
  • She claims to be Zulu-Cherokee.
  • She thinks immigrants should go back across the border.
  • Ruby keeps a camera pointed at her bed.
  • She thinks Diane is possessed by Satan.
  • She followed A.C. Green to Montego Bay and took his virginity.
  • She wore braids for a year.
  • Ruby doesn’t eat mushrooms.
  • After giving birth to Dre, she was called the N-word by some man. So she gave Dre to a security guard and chased the man’s car down.
  • She claimed all the kids under her taxes. As a result, she claims to be technically married to Devante.
  • When she was 13, she managed an Arby’s restaurant.
  • Legally, she’s not allowed near or in an ocean because she blew up Pops’ boat.
  • Her favorite grandchild is Devante.
  • Charles S. Dutton bought her an above-ground hot tub.
  • While she was giving birth to Dre, she was smoking a cigarette.
  • She wanted to carry Devante.
  • She baptized Jack and Diane in the Johnson house pool.
  • Since her birthday is August 25, her zodiac sign would be a Virgo.
  • Ruby apparently talks to squirrels all the time.
  • She thinks White Zinfandel is holy.
  • Ruby claimed that according to her doctors, she has the uterus of a "sixteen-year-old Latina."
  • She claims that she can only brush her teeth in humidity.
  • Ruby apparently has a "disguise trunk."